NATO decides to form a rapid reaction force

Member States decided in NATO (Alinto) announced today the formation of a rapid reaction force that can be deployed for a few days in the event of a crisis. 

The Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in remarks in the city of Newport, Wales, south-west of the UK today: "The resolution is a translation of our solidarity and our determination," asserting that "a results of a plan to respond rapidly to be the alliance present more clearly in the East, I think this sends a message very clarity to Moscow. "

He added, "Today we agreed to keep a permanent presence and activity of a permanent air force, land and sea in the eastern part of the alliance on a rotational basis." 

The Rasmussen that the next summit of NATO will be held in Poland in 2016, pointing out that it is very fitting that hosts Poland next summit to show the commitment of NATO strong commitment to this country on the one hand, and the reference to the presence of NATO obviously in Eastern Europe on the other hand. 

Rasmussen refused to have a third country, the right of veto on NATO enlargement policy, in response to the warnings, launched by Russia against Ukraine attempt to join the Western alliance, explaining that he "does not have a third country veto expansion." 

He pointed out that the occurrence of an electronic attack is widespread in the NATO member state can be regarded as an attack on the alliance led by the United States fully and could lead to a military response, defense, declaring that the Internet is part of the core mission of collective defense of NATO.
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