Difference between a Black and a White President

A Black President Puts His Shoes on a Table at Which His Predecessors Sat
By: Ali Baghdadi
(Arab Journal, Chicago)
An African American Muslim wrote me, “Wondering really hard! What is the difference between a Black President and a White President of the USA... Because the one in office is just as blood thirsty as all the ones before him... we need no more wars!!!”
My Black brother hit it on the head. Both are blood thirsty. They are not only thirsty for blood of people in Africa, Asia and Latin America alone, but also for the blood of young men and women that they send to die or be maimed in faraway lands. Those are usually the Blacks, Latinos and poor Whites. 
A Black President is like his colleague, the White one. Both are servants of the rich and the powerful. Both are figure heads and window dressers. In terms of war and peace, the president of the most powerful nation on earth does not set the policy; does not make the vital decisions; and does not call the shots. The invisible government, made up of cruel super rich and corrupt power hungry men who use the media as tools of mind control of the masses, are the actual rulers. Those, who invest hundreds of millions of dollars to put their man in the White House, pull the strings; tell the president what to do, what to say, and how and when to say it.
"We're NOT a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy: A government by the wealthy." - Ramsey Clark, former U S Attorney General

However, there is some difference between the two. Unlike Bush II, a Black President must be very bright and a great communicator. He must have the ability to charm you with his oratory skills and delivery style. On issues that affect our lives, as well as the lives of all people on our planet, a Black is more dangerous and treacherous than a White one.
The first and most important assignment given to the Black President is to work hard to improve the US image and repair the damage the former White President and his gang left behind. That is called deception. Another important task was to protect George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Ronald Rumsfeld and other criminals responsible for crimes against humanity, including the Iraqi and Afghani wars, as well as torturing by water boarding, among many other crimes, from prosecution. According to cables released by Wikileaks, the Black President worked hard behind the scenes not only to prevent any investigation of torture in the United States, but shutdown efforts abroad to enforce the Geneva Conventions. Recently, he moved another step further. He signed an executive order to not prosecute these evil men. Obama’s action opposes the demands of the great majority of people around the world.

A White President today cannot deceive the masses of the oppressed and the people of color. They have become familiar with his long history of crime and fabricated lies that have brought them enormous pain. They know him from the real life experiences of misery and backwardness. They suffer greatly from his conduct as a war monger and a thief that takes from the poor and gives to the rich tiny minority that put him in “power”. They bleed from wars and conflicts he has created to keep his benefactors’ war industry going and prospering. 
The rate of death and birth defects generated from “depleted uranium” among Iraqi children in the cities of Faluja and Basra is fourteen times the rate among Japanese children in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where Americans dropped the two atom bombs. To spread America’s “democracy” in Iraq, over three million lost their lives. Vietnamese dead surpassed four million. Our Black President executes the same policies carried out by his White predecessors, and recycles their same lies. Through scheme and fraud, he succeeded in deceiving the great majority of people at home and abroad. His victims thought that he was one of them; that he would bring an end to their miseries; and that he would bring peace and prosperity to the entire world. They believed his falsehoods. What a disappointment!!!
At the early stage of his presidency, the Barack Hussein Obama we elected and supported gave speeches in Cairo and Istanbul. He spoke out loud, “no wars against Muslims”. He was received as a hero. They believed in his promise of change. They trusted his rhetoric of hope. Muslims and Christians felt relief.
I was one of the “fools”. I voted for him. I campaigned for his election. I wrote several articles in his defense. I subjected myself to the ugliest and dirtiest names in the American vocabulary. I was described as an Arab “nigger” and a camel “jockey”. Despite a half century of hard work I invested in the “land of the free and home of the brave”; despite my sincere and humble attempt to do my duty as a good citizen; and despite the fact that I have been relentlessly speaking out to unveil the dangers and criminality of the US government’s policies that endanger the true and legitimate interests, and the wellbeing and future of Americans, as should be expected from all real patriots; I was described as a “terrorist” and told to pack up my Muslim “rags” and get the “hell” out of the United States, the leader of the “civilized world”.
It didn’t take long for people who were elated by the election of Barack Hussein Obama to discover that they were wrong; that they were fooled; that they were taken for granted; that the man in the White House, as his predecessors, is phony and a big liar; and that he is nothing but a hyena dressed in a skin of a lamb. The Black President sent his war bombers to Libya and turned the country into a failed state. The regime installed by Washington cannot even enforce its authority over the capital. He increased his troops in Afghanistan. His drones fire rockets and kill entire families almost daily in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.
President Obama’s latest crime was his audacity to turn his al-Qaeda terrorist “friends” loose in Syria. The eaters of government martyred soldiers’ livers and hearts in front of TV cameras turned beautiful Syria into ruins. And what is most surprising is his impudence to accuse President Bashar al-Assad of poisoning his own people, a horrendous crime clearly carried out by savages financed, armed, trained and given political support by the US government. Empowering the Jewish settler state and the control of Syria’s newly discovered huge natural gas and oil reserves, not democracy, are the real motives.
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