Alaa Alasuleny writes: candid observations on the gorgeous scenery

However, the Muslim Brotherhood tried to deceive themselves, the fact remains bright: It was revealed more than 30 million Egyptians took to the streets and brought down the rule of the popular will of the Brotherhood

Question: Do you drop Marsa this was way
democratically pursuant?! .. In any democratic system, the parliament has the right to withdraw confidence from the president-elect before the end of his term, then the President resigns and hold early presidential elections. Parliament function that acts on behalf of the people in the exercise of his authority, if Parliament be missed on the people to exercise his own. Anchorage became president voices of 13 million Egyptians, while insurgency campaign collected 22 million signatures to withdraw confidence from him, then descended more than 30 million Egyptians the streets to Ataliboh the step down ..
I've decided the General Assembly of the Egyptian people end the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, the team had no Sisi, the commander of the army, but the implementation of the rule of the people to save Egypt from a civil war vowed seemed clear. Army does not have permission military coup, but carried out the will of the people in exceptionally difficult conditions have led to the collapse of the state. Military coup - by definition - using military action to force took power, but the military announced from the outset that it is not targeted at power, but it is a fixer for the implementation of the will of the people in isolating President lost his legitimacy
I've fallen legitimacy Marina three times: when he issued a declaration put the will of the individual above the Constitution and the law, and the fortifying of the founding committee void issued a constitution null and void, and the vaccination of the Shura Council of vanity and used it as a legislative issue what he wants Brotherhood of laws, then fell legitimacy fall of more than a hundred martyrs In his reign, and the third time when millions of Egyptians took place on the insurgency campaign, and took to the streets to withdraw confidence. Drop Marsa So in this way completely democratic procedure. Triumph of the will of the people and fell to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, but it is useful to remember a few facts:
First: Since March 2011 referendum push the revolution in the wrong way way Ibadtha from their goals. Now recovered Egyptian revolution and the people proved to be the owner of power. The time has come to achieve the objectives for which it was carried revolution. I have changed the leadership of the army, and proved to us that the new leadership keen on the interests of the country greater than the observance of international pressure or compatibility with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the police has grasped the revolution and studied thousands of officers refused to be their use again to protect the authoritarian regime. State agencies are all united with the people to implement the process of liberation of Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood, and has developed a roadmap of democratic transition in the presence of representatives from different walks of life: Coptic Pope and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and representatives of the rebel movement and Salafist Nour Party .. We need a national consensus, but we also do not tolerate out on the law, and not to succumb to the blackmail of any political faction, whatever its effect. Change will not happen in Egypt, but 
if managed who made the revolution of access to power
Second: over thirty years has been the use of the Muslim Brotherhood scarecrow to justify tyranny. Was logic Mubarak to the Egyptian people is not ready for democracy, and that any fair elections will come Brotherhood who, when they arrived to power, no one can keep them away, because they use a weapon of religion which will always be influential in the minds of ordinary Egyptians. This logic despise considered ignorant people unable to discrimination and choice. That the Muslim Brotherhood when they came to power surprised the Egyptian people in one of his dazzling works. Egyptians managed in one year to realize the difference between Islam and political Islam. Egyptians discovered that the Muslim Brotherhood political use of religion does not adhere to its principles, and everything they have is permissible in order to reach the verdict
On June 30, ended a scarecrow forever Brotherhood. The sight of thirty million Egyptian Brotherhood opponents while performing prayers in congregation in the fields was a message to the whole world that true religion may not be used for political purposes, and it is not permissible for anyone to monopolize the talk in the name of religion. The rule of the Muslim Brotherhood as much as it was a painful experience but carry great benefit to Egypt and the revolution, because it revealed the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood in front of everyone. The rule of the Muslim Brotherhood was a mandatory test postponed, The Egyptians pay the price this postponement dearly, because the fear of the Brotherhood caused them to tyranny. Now is the myth of the Muslim Brotherhood ended, and in the future if renounced violence will form a right-wing party, like all parties, the conservative right in the world
Third: The Working Sisi army commander now realizes that the harsh criticism that revolutionaries face of the junta never detract from their respect for the national army .. Will remain the former military junta responsible for the crimes and massacres occurred in his reign and claimed the lives of many martyrs. That our demand for the ongoing trial of the killers of the martyrs does not prevent us from the support of the army in his great when the national side to the will of the people. Similarly, the happiness of the restoration of the good relationship between the police and the people will not prevent us from demanding retribution for the martyrs who kill police officers. Will not be achieved comprehensive national reconciliation without justice, justice will not be achieved this only fair trials for each of the Egyptians were killed or tortured, whether military or civilian
Fourth: The Brotherhood leaders never imagined that the people will turn on them so quickly, and thus the loss of power by popular will is the biggest shock they had received in their history, here came a violent reaction. They know that Marina will not return to rule, but they send their followers to attack the people and institutions in order to bring chaos even given the opportunity to ally Obama to intervene on the pretext of calming the situation and snatch them what they can gain. That criminal operations coming in from the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies confirm terrorist nature, which are well known to one. We do not call for exceptional measures because the Revolution has mainly for the rule of law, but it should be a critical state apparatus with all of the horrifying Egyptians and abused
Fifth: When the second round came in the presidential election between a representative of the old regime, Ahmed Shafiq and Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi. Egyptians found themselves in a difficult choice and miserable. Who participated in the revolution was never able to elect Shafiq, who is blessed last, he took some of them to boycott the elections, while some of them voted in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, is not convinced of it, but so as not to back the Mubarak regime to govern. These images stance fighter Abdel Halim Qandil, when he said: «the choice was between Shafiq shame which will restore the old system or the fire of the Muslim Brotherhood who know the danger, but I preferred to fire on shame» ..
On the other side, a section of Egyptians fear of the Muslim Brotherhood was more keen on the revolution, Render therefore to vote for Shafiq. Over the full year was filmed revolutionaries who have been elected or until Marina, who boycotted the elections they wasted, Egypt and handed them over to the Muslim Brotherhood, was the invention of a label for degrading them and ridicule them a «lemon Asro» (ie who Asroa themselves a lemon to elect a candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood). This irony was not innocent of purpose, lemon Vasro all of revolutionaries, who are perusing the accusation and ridicule, mostly from the remnants of the Mubarak regime, and they in fact do not hate Asry lemon Brotherhood because they were elected, but they hate them because they have basically revolution. Those who brought down the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood are not a kind one, but three kinds of Egyptians: there are ordinary citizens who do good conjecture in the Muslim Brotherhood in the beginning and soon suffered from the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood and their lies, and discovered that they are acting as individuals gang without morality nor the era not of principle
The second type revolutionaries who feel anger and bitterness toward the result Khianathm Brotherhood repeated the revolution in order to achieve their interests. The third type remnants of the old regime who took advantage of popular anger against the Brotherhood Ataloa their heads and join the battle against the Brotherhood, but to achieve their own goals. Military Council has maintained the Mubarak regime did not affect the sound, and then came the Muslim Brotherhood decided, Panthazethm the usual, to cooperate with the remnants to support them in their plan to take control of the state, but remnants never trust the Brotherhood, as they are working for the goal of restoring the Mubarak regime. The millions of pounds spent by the remnants of the Mubarak regime and the media played an important role in exposing the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood and encourage Egyptians to rebel against them, but hopefully in a speech this media offers in the midst of the war on Brotherhood carrying legitimate counter-revolutionary message. The symbols of the Mubarak regime have returned to the forefront of the scene, they are not Gaillonvqt to the Muslim Brotherhood, but they are angry even before the revolution Brotherhood come to power .. It is no coincidence to see the media as long as politicians and journalists defended Mubarak and benefited from its top the scene now in Egypt struggle against the Brotherhood gang. It is not coincidence that the rise votes are trying to improve the image of Mubarak and his regime compared with the Brotherhood, demanding the abolition of the term remnants of the Dictionary of the people. It's the old system washes his reputation and is promised to regain power
The Afzal Revolution many of us, has taught us not to be afraid and taught us that if people attended must win and saved us from Mubarak and military rule and religious fascism, and was able to unite the state apparatus with the people against the Brotherhood .. Here is the opportunity arises for a revolution in order to build a modern democratic state with the support of the national army. That the revolution will keep moving forward on the roadmap finds itself between two dangers: first return of the military to power and secondly re-Mubarak regime to power. The first danger in my opinion is out of the question, unwilling army in power, has supported the people motivated to achieve his will and national sincere, The second danger is Ward and nearby. Revolution must in the new constitution to take legal action and what is the constitutional guarantor of prevention suppressed Egyptian people and took part in the looting and humiliate him from returning to power. We have carried out the revolution against tyranny and corruption wherever it comes from. Revolution alone have a future project
Democracy is the solution.
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