The official added - in a press statement on Sunday - that the government inaction and cons and they do not prevent crimes before they occur, are involved to leave extremist groups with thugs to carry out such heinous crimes and systematic politically against Copts, as he put it
The official that these crimes are punishable by the Islamic religion itself, adding: But justice in Egypt has not condemned did not punish one of them at all, stressing that "not for the wisdom of the leaders of Christian clergy affected the same thought Pope Shenouda III, who became the approach of His Holiness Pope Twadharos , the sinking of the Egyptian people all Muslims and Christians in sectarian strife in seas of blood civil wars for decades
The chief media coalition Copts of Egypt - in his comments - that young Coptic Christian burning revolution overwhelming, explaining that "young and believes fully punishment, and eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth and apparent darker, and you in retribution life, O blessed with insight
He continued: The dignity and self-esteem to accept but Atrdy never spoke all these crimes is silent, and without the punishment of officials of the instigators and perpetrators, stressing that complacency full partnership in crime
He warned an official of that "almost reins to escape Christian clergy to control the rage overwhelming sweeping young Christian, waited their anger and loss of control of the youth believed that" our consciousness into the older age and apparent darker, "adding: and so we enter in a spiral" civil war "because of the stupidity of the entire officials in Egypt
He said that "sedition dormant God damn whoever awakened," and wondered: Will be ruled cursed by God?!, Stressing that the ruling easy charm, "and strife is worse than murder, and Justice is the basis
And went on saying that the governor just even infidel better than Governor believer is unfair, pointing out that "if a believer really Vsaadl because the essence of faith in God of Justice, because the Almighty is justice itself and inspires his followers so .. if miscreants - in the eyes of others - and amended it so proved his behavior to be a believer in God, because he feared his account only for justice? .. Satan to Ayadl Forever
The official concluded Tbarahth wondering: Is Anmaratna Tikzam before the time comes for no value where any remorse?, Adding, "Most of the fire from Mstsgry sparks, but sparks may become great
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