Boutros-Ghali calls for UN mediation to resolve the political crisis in Egypt

Asked former Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Tuesday brokered by the United Nations to resolve the political crisis in Egypt, which entered its third week. And was quoted by news agency (UBI) Ghali for saying in an interview with television station "Dream" Masri said international mediation is required and the lack of local mediation could find a compromise between the demonstrators who are demanding the departure of President Mubarak and the ruling regime. He wondered Ghali, who is also secretary-general of the Council of Human Rights in Egypt, "Why Rejecting international mediation ... Senna members of the United Nations ... is not it our right to ask for help." He said he raised the issue of international mediation, through personal experience and subjective worked to resolve some conflicts in the world. Boutros-Ghali has served as foreign minister in the early era of Mubarak.
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